How Does a Coronary Stent Procedure Work?

A coronary artery (within the heart) can become narrowed or blocked due to the buildup of fatty plaque, a heart disease called “atherosclerosis.” This condition can be the source of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms, including:

  • Chest pain (angina)
  • A feeling of weakness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Cold sweats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart attack

The first part of your procedure is an angioplasty, in which a long, thin, flexible tube is placed in a blood vessel and guided carefully to the blockage in your artery. The tube has a tiny balloon on the end, and when it is inflated, it compresses the plaque buildup to allow for better blood flow. The second part of the procedure involves stent placement. A stent is a tiny, expandable mesh coil. Once the area in the artery has been expanded with the balloon, the stent is placed to provide more strength to the artery and keep it open. Once in place, the catheter is carefully removed, and your procedure is complete.

Coronary Stents: A Breakthrough in Heart Health

Stent placement with this non-invasive approach was a true breakthrough in heart medicine. People who suffer from a narrowing of the arteries can undergo a non-invasive treatment and live life with their health greatly restored. At San Diego Cardiac Center, our specialists perform these treatments often and are recognized as being at the forefront in cardiac treatments.

Most stents are coated with a specific type of medicine to ward off the development of scar tissue. Bare-metal stents do not have this coating but have an advantage, as the patient does not need to be on antiplatelet medicine for the long term. The right stent for you will be selected based on your medical history and whether one or the other is expected to produce a better outcome for you.

Your Recovery: What to Expect

After your stent procedure, you will need to lie flat for several hours while being monitored by medical professionals. The length of time you need to rest will vary based on your individual procedure. You must not bend your arms or legs while you are resting. Once the resting period is over, you can get up and out of bed. You may feel dizzy at first but will be assisted by a nurse. Drink plenty of water to help flush the contrast dye used in your procedure to be flushed from your system. Most people spend one night at the hospital, after which they return home.

Why Choose Us?

Our specialists at San Diego Cardiac Center offer the highest level of expertise, covering the entire spectrum of advanced cardiac care, including coronary stents.

We are progressive in adopting new therapies as a result of our clinical research experience, and we often gain access to newer, more successful procedures and therapies before any other clinic locally or nationwide. Our clinic, San Diego Cardiac Center, is equipped with cutting-edge technology, and our specialists perform newer procedures that are less invasive than the traditional approach, with better outcomes and a faster recovery.

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